Mccosmetics Fusion Fat 5x10ml



A powerful treatment to fight cellulite and a localized fat. It activates lipolysis drains and reduces skin flaccidity to get the best slimming.

Topical use.

Main characteristics & effects

Combination of active ingredients that will support to break down the fat membrane, supporting faster its elimination, increasing metabolism and detoxifying the body.

Additional information

Product category: Professional
Main ingredients: Caffeine, Organic Silicon, Asian Centella, Hyaluronidase
Routine step: Treatment
Frequency: Every 2-3 weeks (approx. 6-10 sessions) Maintenance treatment: 1 session every 3 months
Treatment area: Face and body
Recommended: Fat reduction, fibrous cellulite, lipolysis


Suggestion 1: Lipolysis
prof. fusion fat – Amount applied: 5cc
prof. phosphatydilcholine – Amount applied: 5cc

Application protocol: point by point application deep: 8mm to 13mm amount per puncture: 0,2cc – 0,5cc

Suggestion 2: Lipolysis
prof. fusion fat – Amount applied: 5cc
prof. phosphatydilcholine – Amount applied: 5cc
prof. cellestabyl – Amount applied: 2cc

Application protocol: point by point application deep: 6mm to 8mm amount per puncture: 0,2cc – 0,5cc

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