Hyaluronic Acid Gel seems to be the big craze now. The Hyaluron pen has given the beauty industry an opportunity to provide services at the fraction of the cost compared to recent Medical services that are costly for the average consumer. It has also brought a safer solution to needle injections. The top brand Celltrimi Gel, is a product of ChaMeditech Group. Their patented cross-link formula allows the pen to easily apply the Hyaluronic Gel topically to the skin giving it premium results.
The biggest problems users seem to be having is understanding which product to use and when. Here is a little guide on the value of each product.

Celltermi Gel P
Celltermi Gel P, formerly HyaFilia Petit, is a smaller cross-link that is good for smaller folds and lips.

Celltermi Gel C
Celltermi Gel C, formerly HyaFilia Classic, is a medium cross-link that is good for medium folds and lips.

Celltermi Gel G
Celltermi Gel C, formerly HyaFilia Grand, is a large cross-link that is good for larger folds and lips.
Another major problem that exist in the industry are the Technicians and DIY’rs who try to train online or with unauthorized facilities. It’s important to train at an authorized facility backed by a product or Gel manufacturer.
I can’t count the times we have received complaints about users not understanding how to use the pen or the product properly. If the pen doesn’t come from a reputable manufacturer, the odds are the pen will have issues!
Practice, Practice, Practice! Just so you know, if you have had quality training and have a quality pen, you still need to practice! Someone can teach you how to shoot a basket, but that doesn’t mean your gonna make it in the hole every time! You need to practice! We recommend practicing on 10 models before working with any paid clients.
If you are a client and going in for service, please do your due diligence and check the portfolio of the tech doing the work. Make sure they have references and pictures to support the work they have done.
Don’t abuse the product! We have seen many users get addicted to the results and keep wanting to reuse the product over and over again. It’s not necessary, your body produces Hyaluronic Acid, let your body have time to reproduce it. If you do it too frequently, you will have side effects! Excessive swelling and bruising among other things.
If you have any question, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Hyafilia USA.
Hyafilia USA contact – [email protected]